How to Obtain your HMRC Documents
Mortgage lenders typically require you to submit your HMRC SA302/Tax Calculation and Tax Year overviews as proof of your income from various sources such as employment, self-employment, dividends, and property earnings.
To access this information, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) provides the information online, allowing you to view and download the required tax documents.
Use the drop down lists below to help you obtain the documents in the correct format a mortgage lender will require. Please note that the process may be subject to changes on the HMRC website, of which we may not always be aware.
Tax Calculation (SA302)
1. Log into the HMRC online account
2. Select ‘Self Assessment’ (unless automatically redirected)
3. Follow the link ‘Get SA302 Tax Calculation for tax year 20xx to 20xx‘
4. Follow the link ‘Continue to your SA302’
5. Click the ‘view your Calculation’ link
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page
7. Click on ‘View and print your calculation‘
8. Select ‘Save as PDF‘
9. Save to a folder.
It’s important to note you may not be able to obtain this if your accountant completed your tax return using third party software. If you cannot download your Tax Calculation, please contact your accountant who should be able to supply this for you.
Tax Year Overview
In order to validate the accuracy of the SA302 information, an additional online document provided by HMRC, known as the Tax Year Overview, will be necessary.
The Tax Year Overview is generated by HMRC once you have submitted your self-assessment tax return. It displays the amount of tax that needs to be paid directly to HMRC or any eligible refund amount for a specific tax year.
1. Log into the HMRC online account
2. Select ‘Self Assessment’ (unless automatically redirected)
3. Follow the link ‘View Self-Assessment Return for tax year 20xx to 20xx‘
4. Select the appropriate tax year you require from the drop down box
5. Click ‘Go‘
6. Scroll down and click on ‘Print your tax year overview‘
7. Select ‘Save as PDF‘
8. Save to a folder
SA100 (Full Tax Return)
1. Log into the HMRC online account
2. Select ‘Self Assessment’ (unless automatically redirected)
3. Follow the link ‘More details about your Self Assessment returns and payments‘
4. In the ‘Your returns’ section, click on ‘View Self Assessment return for tax year 20xx to 20xx’, or scroll down and select appropriate year from the Previously Submitted returns’ list.
5. IMPORTANT – NOW SELECT ‘TAX RETURN OPTIONS’ from the right hand menu
6. Select the appropriate tax year from the drop down menu and click ‘Go’
7. Scroll down and click ‘View Return’
8. On the left hand menu of the next page, click on on ‘View / Print / Save your return
9. Scroll down to the ‘colour copy’ option, and click on ‘Print a colour PDF copy of your return’
10. This should then open a .pdf document for you to view
11. Save to a folder
A mortgage is a loan secured against your home or property. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or any other loan secured on it. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate most forms of buy to let mortgage.
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